For those of you who think that I had forgotten that I even had a blog, well, you were wrong! Ha! I hope none of you took out bets, because you're going to be pretty sore at me now.
If you've been wondering what I've been working on these past few days, well, simply: nothing at all! Truly. I can't download Visual Studio Express on my own, as it would take some 25 hours, and I don't ever have that much time, ever. Porting Io to Windows is going to require something much more inventive, and while I'm contemplating that, I'm afraid the project must take a break for something much more important.
On Phoenix Wings, baby.
This is a project that is so epicly important that I have been putting it off for years, just like doing important things with my life. It occurs to me that I must get on it or this horse will never fly.
Plus, my team is getting pretty restless.
In any case, I have been researching various platforms and languages, trying to find one that would be the most accessible to me, and the most practical for game development, and I have concluded that the .NET platform would give me a fairly good foothold, providing me with libraries such as OpenGl and DevIl, through the Tao Framework, without being too much of a hassle (as in, C).
Of course, once I decided on the platform, I had a number of languages to look at. Now, I do like Python, but it seems to me that IronPython won't leave me with the tools I need to create an effective project. That is, the only thing that is really available to me is #develop, and that only gives three options: C#, VB.NET, and Boo.
VB.NET was a definite out. So now I'm looking into using a combination of Boo and C# to create the game. Perfect! Now... what was that plotline again?
Of course, by perfect I mean: If you have any better ideas, leave me a note.