5:22 AM
In a belated response to netytan, I post my own any? and all? written in Scheme.
(define (any? proc ls) (if (null? ls) #f (if (proc (car ls)) #t (any? proc (cdr ls))))) ;; (any? even? '(1 3 5 8 7)) => #t, shortcircuiting at 8 ;; (any? odd? '(2 4 6 8 10)) => #f (define (all? proc ls) (if (null? ls) #t (if (proc (car ls)) (all? proc (cdr ls)) #f))) ;; (all? even? '(2 4 6 1 2 3)) => #f, shortcircuiting at 1 ;; (all? odd? '(1 3 5 7 9 11)) => #t
Just because.